Challenge Match Protocols!

Thanks to all of you dads, and thanks to all of YOUR dads. Without them, there would be no Golden Ball! Hope everyone gets a good day today to relax or play tennis or do nothing!

Challenge Match Protocols:

  1. You have to play your 6 scheduled matches before any challenges.

2. You can only challenge players who have their 6 matches completed. (Due to some circumstances, we played some early challenge matches to keep matches going).

3. Check “Eligible Challenge Players List” on June 28 on website with all eligible challenge match players. Only players on the list can do challenge matches with each other. This will be updated often as everyone gets their matches in. Report scores quickly please!

4. You can only play any player once this summer, no rematches, so challenge matches will be OUT OF DIVISION PLAYERS..

5. Simply ask someone, do you want to play a challenge match? Unless booked, just say yes!

6. Not sure who to challenge? Consider playing someone in similar standings slot. (If you are 5th in West, challenge 5th place person in South, for an example) But, you can literally challenge whoever you want, except from your own division.

League voted in offseason. Everyone must play 7 matches(maximum of 9) total or you are not eligible for playoffs. No exceptions.

Speaking of playoffs. Please remember standings are based on victory points NOT your RECORD. If you beat player A and you end up with 6-1 record, and player A is 6-3 and has more victory points, Player A will be ahead of you in standings. If playoffs and standings are important to you, play 9 matches (6 matches + 3 challenge)

Confused? Review the By-Laws or send me a private message. I love talking Golden Ball rules 🙂

Thanks All! Tom the commish